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ARTist Statement


I feel a need to create beautiful things and bring visual pleasure.

A lifetime of art immersion has led to the centuries old technique of mosaics.  My Greek lineage provided a few visits to Greece where the mosaic floor patterns and iconography struck a chord with me.  I had wanted to learn the technique and took a class in 2009.  Intrigued, I started my mosaic journey.

Mosaics, my medium of choice, stands out due to my custom armatures.  I quickly moved to 3 dimensional work.  This format appeared to give me a rhythmic base to create my colorful contemporary style.  I use classic mosaic materials and tools in addition to natural elements.

Forming a contemporary twist on an ancient art form, I employ techniques of powerful color and fluid movement.  Key influences come from a profound connection between modern painting and the visual of natural surroundings and light. The strong color palette of the 60’s also pops into play.



Photography studio


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